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2023-04-06 17:51:12    来源 : 中国日报网




Developing Asia, which groups together 46 economies in the Asia-Pacific, is forecast to grow 4.8% in 2023, the ADB said in its Asian Development Outlook report, more than its previous estimate of 4.6% in December, and following 4.2% growth in 2022.最新一期《2023年亚洲发展展望》报告称,预计2023年亚太地区发展中经济体经济增速将达到4.8%,高于去年12月该机构预测的4.6%。亚洲发展中经济体2022年经济增速为4.2%。

China’s economy is on track to grow by 5 percent this year, the ABD said.亚行预计2023年中国经济增速将提至5%。


“Prospects for economies in Asia and the Pacific are brighter and they’re poised for a strong recovery as we return to normalization following the pandemic,” ADB Chief Economist Albert Park said.帕克表示:“随着生产生活恢复正常化,亚太地区的经济前景更加光明,并有望实现强劲复苏。”

“People are starting to travel again for leisure and work, and economic activities are gathering pace. Because many challenges remain, governments in the region need to stay focused on policies that support stronger cooperation and integration to promote trade, investment, productivity and resilience.”“休闲和工作出行恢复,经济活动加快回暖。当然,亚太地区仍然存在许多挑战,各国政府需要进一步支持强化合作和推动一体化的政策,以促进贸易、投资、生产力和经济韧性。”



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